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Registered in the Registry of Telecommunication Installers of Catalonia with number 22,521 and associated with Feceminte, our objective is that our clients have quality facilities and always reviewed at the appropriate times .
And that they can count on us at all times to update their communities to the new telecommunications systems.
Asesoramos a nuestros clientes sobre las ventajas de reparar las instalaciones o renovarlas
Reparamos cualquier tipo de incidencia.
Ante un acto vandálico, reparamos y asesoramos.
Las placas antivandálicas dan buen resultado
Actualizamos instalaciones de portero convencionales a videoporteros sin necesidad de pasar nuevos cables ni obras.
Actualizar el viejo sistema de portero automático a videoportero con placa antivandálica,
a parte de seguirdad a los vecinos (al reconocer al visitante y decidir si abrir o no)
renueva la estética de la comunidad
Renovar la placa con un sistema aún compatible actualizará la imagen de la comunidad de vecinos
Reparamos todas las marcas y asesoramos a nuestros clientes.
Trabajamos con las mejores marcas del mercado buscando siempre el resultado óptimo.
Custom-made plates for communities, single-family homes, buildings, companies...
They allow mechanization with the system chosen by the farm.
Free estimates.
They create a corner of elegance in homes, simply by updating the interior unit of the home (replacing the usual monitor or telephone) with the most current monitors on the market.
With the new Sèrie 100 monitors, like the ones in the image, see with clarity and quality who is calling you from the door and choose whether to communicate with the visitor and open the door or not, guaranteeing more security when accessing the neighbors' properties.
Each neighbor can choose the monitor or telephone that best suits their needs (among the material compatible with community facilities).
A no-obligation estimate is made for materials compatible with existing installations or to renew the installation, with the option for each neighbor to choose the monitor/telephone model they want.
For all our repairs and installations we make an effort and carry out our work maintaining the highest professionalism, always being rigorous, serious, transparent and perfectionist. We always work thinking about how we would like to be treated.